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Harrison Lake
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Located a little over an hour east of Vancouver, this popular lake destination often receives a steady thermal afternoon southerly breeze. We spent some time looking around for a good position for our sensor and finally discovered Killer's Cove Marina - www.killerscove.com - located just 1/4 mile out of town. The only source of fuel on this popular boating lake, we'd like to thank owner Jim Killer for allowing us to place a prominently positioned sensor out on his dock. Dan Hayward of the Harrison Lake Windsurfing Society also played a large role in helping us locate this position and we hope in serves the local sailing / kiting community well.

For more information regarding where to stay, what to eat and things you should see while in Harrison - visit www.harrisonhotsprings.org

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Our sensor is located on the fuel dock building at Killer's Cove Marina approx. 1/4 mile north of Harrison Hot Springs. This dock stretches about 250 ft out into the lake and is located just south of the breakwater jetty where a lot of sailors and kiters launch. The instruments are mounted on a 10ft mast on top of the building and receive a very clean reading from SE all the way around to NE. A direct easterly flow may be partially blocked by cliffs surrounding the lake but these are offshore and not the preferred wind direction. A typical summer pattern will see late AM winds pick up from the SSE and then build while veering SW thru the mid PM hours.

If you have any observations regarding actual vs. reported conditions OR additional site details, please email stu@iwindsurf.com.

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