Bacliff Overview
Bacliff Spillway
Wind - North to Northwest Skill - Intermediate and up. Location and Directions - Bacliff is a small town on Galveston Bay between Houston and Galveston. Take NASA Rd 1 toward the Bay. Turn right at Hwy 146 and drive about 8 miles to Bacliff where you turn left on Main St. Drive down to the Bay and take a right on Bayshore Blvd. You will see the spillway on the left, so turn into the park area just after crossing a small bridge.
Parking - Plenty of parking in the parking lot along the park road. Rigging Area - Large grassy area across the road from the beach. Entry - Embankment with sandy beach, some rocks. Description - This is the place to go in the winter after a cold front goes through and the northwest wind is honkin. The park is next to the spillway of a local power generation plant, which dumps warm water into the bay. Even on the coldest day in winter, the water temperature will be at least 70 degrees. Like most places in Galveston Bay, the bottom is sandy and fairly shallow. Side-onshore to onshore breezes create some big chop for catching lots of air. Conditions here in the winter are often Gorge-like.
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Sensor Notes
The Sensor is located at Bayside RV Park and Spillway Fishing Pier. It is located 30ft above ground level atop a 2-story clubhouse in the RV Park. Around 45ft above sea level, approximately 50 yards from the water. It gives good readings from most directions, especially SE, but may be partially obstructed from W.
Many thanks to Cliff Tudor and Wayne Thompson (Bacliff RV park) for all their help establishing a sensor at this location.