Virginia Beach Pier Overview
Windsurfers: see details at
- Use Designated Launch/Landing sites: *45th and 88th streets(Atlantic Ocean,N,NE,S,SE winds)Intermediate to Advanced Riders - NO RIDING/FLYING-1st Street-40th Streets(Memorial Day to Labor Day). -Respect other Beach Goers,Locals,Swimmers,&Surfers.Give 100' buffer to all.Be courteous to non-kiters
-Beginning riders: check nearby First Landing (Lynnhaven Pier link) or go to Cape Charles (Plantation Flats link) or the Outer Banks of North Carolina with shallow, flat waters
-Assist Other Kiters "Whenever" Neccessary -Kiteboard within YOUR Limits -Know a few Self-Rescue Techniques.(H20 relaunches,swimming in, bodydragging in) -Always Do A Preflight Check over your Gear -Don't Ride if Wind is Blowing Offshore -BE AWARE OF WEATHER CONDITIONS(approaching storms,fronts,lightning & offshore winds) - Ride & Stay outside of swimmers/surfers,Stay Away from Crowds. - Follow standard Right of Way Rules:Left Hand/foot forward riders give way to Right Hand/foot forward riders - Upwind riders stay clear of those Downwind(kiters,swimmers,surfers) - Give Launching Kiters Right of Way,Stay outside if someone is Launching. - Board leashes are Dangerous-Don't use one without a HELMET - Assist other kiters with launches & landings. Use "Thumbs Up" signal for Launch
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