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Palo Alto
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Sailing Palo Alto can be a terrific experience. But be forewarned: for sailing at Palo Alto with the new dock (dock built around year 1997(?)), you need a tide level of at least 3.0 feet or you will get stuck in bottomless deep black oozing mud. Tide charts are generally available at shops such as West Marine. Often, a tide chart is posted near the nature center/launch. Windsurfers head out through the channel. The channel runs next to the white poles, and anywhere else near the shore is very shallow mud flats.

Rigs and boards should be cleared from the launch end of the dock immediately after landing for the safety of incoming sailors. Also, sailors coming back in have the right of way over sailors heading out. The back end of the dock can get very crowded with boards, especially on the weekend. For safety reasons please don't store your board and/or rig at the front side (landing/launch area) of the dock. And when it's crowded don't make adjustments to your equipment on the dock, make adjustments on the water or in the rigging area.

The wind is stronger outside but generally PA is lighter than 3rd Avenue. However, PA can be nearly as good as 3rd if the fog is all the way to the SM Bridge. Generally speaking when SW winds plague Coyote and Third Ave, Palo Alto can be the somewhat-secret spot with, ironically, due to local wind eddys & topography, very sweet *NW* wind. But be aware that under these conditions the wind can change direction and drop dramatically at any time. A larger board and sail is always recomended at Palo Alto unless your willing to do the "Muddog Walk".
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 Season: May through August 
 Water: Muddy & mud flats 
 Ability Level: Intermediate to Advanced 
 Familiness: Nature Center & Duck Pond 
 Parking: Plentiful 
 Launch: Dock & Channel  

To get to this launch, get off the 101 freeway on Embarcadero road in Palo Alto and go East toward the Bay. Just keep going past the airport on the left hand side. You'll make a left at the dead end. Please observe the 15MPH SPEED LIMIT so we can continue to enjoy this launch site! Then go through the park past the duck pond on the left and over the speed bumps, the Nature Center will appear on the left.. just keep going... as the road forces you to turn right way down toward the bay, veer right. Then keep going until you see the dirt parking lot. As you drive in, go in toward the left and park toward the far end. The dock is on the far side and folks generally jump off of the dock onto their gear. -------------------------------------------------------------- Here is a link to the site (copy it on one line in your browser): http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&t= k&om=1&msid=114205471336992999548.000001136ebefe902f75 2&ll=37.459215,-122.099079&spn=0.007145,0.016565&z=17

The iWindsurf.com sensor is on the nature center upwind of the launch. It needs to read about 19 average for most sailors to go plane with a 5.8-6.5 sail. The PA airport reading is also available on iW, but this is not as dependable of a reading, as it is a very large distance away from the launch site.

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