Erie Central Buoy Overview
Two launches, Main Beach and Little Beach.
Main Beach faces south and is known for a nice undertow close to the pier. Can be sailed in anything from E through S to W but is rarely used except for E and SE wavesailing.
Little Beach is to the E of the Harbour and large pier, you park on a grassy area about where the shoreline is and sail in the area of wrapped waves. This is one of the best wavesailing and surf breaks on Lake Erie and works best in SW through W conditions. There is a large outer harbour with concrete piers that act as a point break, they block the chop and wrap the swell into the beach without blocking much of the wind. Downsides are a persistent wind shadow close to beach even when conditions are good and very prone to 'bubbling' when the water is cold and the air is not, ie all through spring and summer it is rarely windy here. Fall fronts where the water temp is close to or higher than water temp are the best time.,-81.208191&spn=0.050493,0.08111&t=h&z=14
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